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When my husband Ralph and I went to the funeral of a neighbor who was a Jehovah’s Witness, the description of Heaven that we heard from the leader of the congregation was not one that we want to believe in. Ralph joins me in this episode to explain why and to give a much better description of the afterlife based on the teachings of the Catholic Faith and the Bible.

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Ralph and I went to a funeral of a neighbor who was a Jehovah witness. Well, it wasn’t really a funeral. It was a memorial — of the person’s life. There was no casket, no urn with ashes, and nothing that I would consider to be a religious service. It was an hour-long story-telling about the woman who had died.

The leader of the congregation gave a very long eulogy. At the end everyone sang the song about the afterlife. However the description of the afterlife that we heard from the leader was not one we would want to believe in.

There was no joy in it, no awareness of going to a better place, no point in dying. In true Christianity, with Jesus as a divine savior who took our sins upon himself when he died and whose resurrection gives us eternal life, there is a very important point in dying. In true Christianity, we die to be perfected. We die to become completely holy — purged of all that is not of God — to enter into the fullness of God’s love and God’s life – eternal life — which we can never completely understand and receive while we are still in our earthly lives with limited brains and limited understanding.

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