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Stressed out? Tired? Suffering from troubles? Jesus said (Mark 2:27), “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” Sabbath rest is a gift from God for our healing and renewal. It’s so vital to our well-being that God commanded it.

To keep the day sacred, we need to do more than go to church. We need to make ourselves fully available to God so he can minister to us.

Why does the story of creation in Genesis say God rested on the 7th day? Not because he was tired! God doesn’t need to rest. But we sure do. In this episode, I reveal why obeying this commandment is a gift from the Lord. I also explain why our day of rest is Sunday and not the Hebrew tradition of Saturday.

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I would like to share with you a little bit more from what scripture says about this day. Psalm 46, verse 10 says, “Be still and know that I am God.” Why did He say that? This is said in many places in scripture, actually. “Be still and know that I am God.”

The next verse, verse 11 of Psalm 46, explains why He says this: “God is our refuge and our strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” But we don’t know what His help is, we don’t avail ourselves, we don’t recognize it when it comes to us because we are stressed out. So we need to get away from that. We need to have sacred time alone with the Lord, which is being still. Being still doesn’t mean we’re zombied out where we’re just mindlessly bored. I hate being bored. I don’t think God wants us to be bored. He gave us a sense of adventure. “Be still” means: Quiet yourself to be alone with the Lord and fill the time with things that are stilling your spirit, quieting your spirit so that you can hear the Lord.

For more help on this topic, see our WordByte called Are you taking the time you need for personal renewal?

More episodes to aid your faith growth >>

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