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What if while driving down the road you say a prayer for every person that you see along the way. Surely they all need your prayers. Would you intercede for others more often and more readily if you saw your prayers get answered? In this episode, I reveal that the real stumbling block is not a lack of fruits but a lack of understanding how intercessory prayer works. By clearing up misconceptions, you can discover greater faith to become a more effective intercessor.

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Imagine you’re driving down the road. What if you say a prayer for every person you see along the way? Every driver, every family in other cars, the man walking into the store, the people at the gas station that you pass by, everyone you see. Surely they all need your prayers. But would your prayers really make a difference?

We all have people in our lives who need our prayers. And the strangers that you see only once:  Some of those people don’t have anyone praying for them. Your prayers are important!

We could all do a better job of being prayer intercessors for others. But what I think holds us back is the lack of seeing enough encouraging fruits of our prayer efforts to motivate us to keep doing it and even to do more.

The real stumbling block is not a lack of fruits but a lack of understanding how intercessory prayer works.

For more help on this topic, see our downloadable Prayer Resources.

More episodes on prayer >>

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