The 4-second prayer that defeats Satan

prayer that defeats Satan

Why is it that we expect less, not more, from God? Why are we not living a miraculous faith? Why do we receive less from God instead of the abundant “more” that he actually wants to give us? Listen to this important episode. Satan is doing everything he can to […] Read More

How to ask so miracles do happen

ask for miracles

In John 14:12 & 13, Jesus says to us, “Truly, truly, I tell you, whoever believes in Me will do the works that I am doing and even greater things. And I will do whatever you ask in My name, so that the Father may be glorified.” Well then, why […] Read More

God the Advocate is defending you

God is the Advocate defending you

Do you feel like you’re on trial? Is someone misjudging you? In this podcast, I unpack eight scriptures to assure you that God is your Advocate defending you. Jesus said that he would give his Holy Spirit to us to be our Advocate. But before the Holy Spirit, Jesus was […] Read More

The virtue that releases faith

open the door to release faith

The greatest virtue that releases our faith is submission to the Holy Spirit. This enables us to recognize the voice of Jesus and hear his guidance, his concern for us, and his desire to work miracles in our lives. It enables us to feel the generous love of the Father. […] Read More

What’s blocking supernatural faith?

sin is a locked door that blocks faith

When we identify the sin that blocks supernatural faith, we can overcome it to grow in holiness and live the way God intended — with the same miraculous faith as the first Christians that we read about in the Book of Acts. The biggest sin is culture-wide, it has infiltrated […] Read More