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When your prayers are not answered, the Devil says, “God has abandoned you.” God is saying: “Keep praying, pray with persistence, and use this time to lean on Me harder.” It’s a faith-builder. God will move mountains for you, but he wants you to put him first before everything else. He wants you to spend more time with him.

Saint Nilus of Sinai“Do not grieve if you do not at once receive from God that which you ask. He wishes to benefit you still more by making you persist longer in your patient prayer before Him. For what can be higher than to address one’s converse to God and be in communion with Him?”

This quote by Saint Nilus of Sinai, which is used in this podcast, can be downloaded full size by clicking on the image above.

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There is so much unbelief today in God’s desire to help us, in God’s desire to come to our aid. Even when we ask for his help, there are a lot of times when it seems like he’s not helping, right?

Let’s take a look at what’s going on in your life, because when you get more in touch with how God is working in your life, then you have a powerful tool – your witness, your testimony – to help unbelievers come into belief and to help doubters grow in faith and to help people who aren’t going to church find reason to go to church (reason other than the idea of they’re going to go to Hell, because, as I said and as you know, that’s not bringing people to church today: not everybody that we would like to see in church).

So in your own life, how often has God let you down? If we have faith, if we’re following Christ, we say: “Well, he hasn’t really let me down. He just hasn’t answered my prayer yet. Or the answer is no. Or maybe I’m just not praying rightly. Maybe my faith isn’t strong enough.”

Jesus said, “If your faith is the size of a mustard seed, you can tell this mountain to go into the sea and it will. You could tell this fig tree to be uprooted and go into the sea and it will.”

… To have the kind of faith that can move mountains, we need to be able to know that God is somebody that we can lean on. 

One of the ways you can lean in on God more fervently and deeply is to subscribe to and read the the Good News Reflections recommended in this podcast. You can receive them by email or by text message. Sign up at

For more help on this topic, see our WordByte called God, why have You abandoned me?

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