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When we identify the sin that blocks supernatural faith, we can overcome it to grow in holiness and live the way God intended — with the same miraculous faith as the first Christians that we read about in the Book of Acts. The biggest sin is culture-wide, it has infiltrated the Church, and we easily give into it every day. We can change that! And in so doing, we will become more alive in the faith and – if enough of us repent from this sin – we will transform the world.
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Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit to send us out in mission to change the world, to transform the people around us, helping them to see through us having a faith that’s alive, which means we have to have a personal relationship not just with Jesus Christ but with his Holy Spirit that he gave us, that he breathes on us, that we received in fullness in our baptism and that is set alive, set on fire, becomes a vibrant, effective part of our lives through what is often called the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, or you can call it the anointing of the Holy Spirit that comes when we ask, “Holy Spirit, come! Fill me. I want the more that You have to offer. I want my life to be a witness of Your divine power. I want to change the world by showing people what You are really like.”
This is the life that he has designed for us: for us to come alive in supernatural faith and to change the world by helping others become alive in strong faith.
Miracles prove that the Word of God – what is spoken about God – is true. We tell people that God cares, we tell people maybe even that we will pray for them, and then what? Do we see miracles happen? If we don’t, we need to ask: Why not? And I say that one of the reasons, one of the biggest reasons why not, is idolatry.
For more help on this topic, see our WordByte called Moving on Currents of Grace.
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