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Need an antidote to stress, worry, and fear? Using Psalm 146 as a prayer and adapting it to your own situation, I reveal the supernatural power that’s available when we pray for the glory of God to fill us. It begins when we glorify the Lord with our praises. It makes demons flee. It fills us with hope, peace and joy.

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No matter what’s going on, we need to be glorifying the Lord. The Enemy – the Devil, the demons who are prowling around the world seeking the ruin of your soul and looking for opportunities to trigger hot buttons (opportunities) where they can tempt you into sin,  opportunities where you’re vulnerable. By praying the Psalms and glorifying the Lord with your prayer, and then remembering to glorify the Lord throughout the day, whenever things stress you out or worry you, or whenever you think of your prayer requests again, by glorifying the Lord, we drive off the Enemy. We make demons flee from us. They can’t stand to be around a praising Christian.

Glorifying the Lord means that no matter what’s going on, we know that God is still in charge, that God is bigger than all the problems….

So when we give him glory, we are saying that we are aware of how much bigger he is and that he is making good come from even the worst of situations. And if we can’t see the good yet, we know it’s still happening. To give God glory means we know that he is still in charge. He is still bigger than the problems. He is still caring – infinitely caring – loving us so much that Jesus was willing to suffer tremendous tortures for us and die for us, to take our sins upon himself so that we could live with him in eternity. How awesome is that? If he’s willing to do that for us, then of course he’s willing to do whatever else is good for us, and for those for whom we’re praying.

We also have prayers you can download for victory over evil.

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