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The greatest virtue that releases our faith is submission to the Holy Spirit. This enables us to recognize the voice of Jesus and hear his guidance, his concern for us, and his desire to work miracles in our lives. It enables us to feel the generous love of the Father. And it frees us to do mighty things for the kingdom of God and to transform the world. I share stories from my life to illustrate how this virtue releases supernatural faith. This podcast includes a simple, easy spiritual exercise that can help you overcome your human nature’s desire to be in control.

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I realized that the Eucharist was the supernatural happening now, today. Every day at every Mass, the supernatural was happening. In my search for the supernatural, I ran toward it, and Jesus said, “I’ve got you now. I’ve got you!”

And he also introduced me to the Holy Spirit whom I had not known at all during my upbringing except as some ethereal, invisible force. I did not understand the Holy Spirit at all, did not have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. When I developed a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit not only led me into the fullness of the Catholic faith, where I became officially Catholic and embraced all of the sacraments, but he also took me away from the occult, convincing me, letting my mind know and understand how each of the lies of the occult that I had been believing were really lies and counterfeits of the supernatural powers of God.

So I left the occult behind, became Catholic, and entered into a Spirit-filled life. This was back in 1977. I began to learn how to hear God and how to be submissive to the Holy Spirit. If I had not been submissive to what the priest was telling me about the Eucharist, I don’t know where I’d be today. The virtue of submissiveness is key to having a faith-filled life – a miraculously faith-filled life.

To further the releasing of supernatural faith, use our video courses on life in the Holy Spirit.

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