Faith that smashes strongholds

smash your castle-like strongholds

What do you wish could be better? Your life? Your relationships? Your faith? If it were better, what would it look like? The first step in making anything better is to envision what better really means. Then ask: How does Jesus envision it? What are Father God’s dreams for me […] Read More

How to overcome the pain of frustration

man with pain of frustration

Feeling the angst of frustration? Want to get rid of it? Here are 8 steps to overcome the pain of frustration. You will learn how to find true and lasting inner peace, no matter what is going on around you and who is causing it.  You can download the transcript […] Read More

Spiritual exercises for supernatural faith

weight-lifting for supernatural faith

If you want to experience all that the Holy Spirit wants to do in you and through you, and experience a supernatural faith rather than live a mediocre faith, uncover the lies that Satan wants you to believe. In this episode, I offer 3 spiritual exercises that strengthen what is […] Read More

3 ways to un-stifle the Holy Spirit

Come Holy Spirit

Here’s a secret the devil does not want you to know — why he wants to stifle your relationship with the Holy Spirit. He’s afraid of what you will do! It’s time we reclaimed what is rightfully ours as followers of Christ: a faith that works miracles. A faith that […] Read More

7 phases in the battle for union with Christ

7 fases

The daily hardships we experience are affected by Satan and the prayers that we do and our connection to Christ. How much are your hardships demonically influenced? Some hardships are simply because we live in an imperfect world, but how do you know when you should take action against demons? As a follow-up […] Read More