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To understand the Vocation of Marriage, we have to first look at a vocation as the fulfillment of the calling to continue the mission of Christ. How are married couples to do this mission? We call this “radical love”. Jesus called it laying down one’s life for the other. Saint Paul called it (in Ephesians 5) submitting to one another while explaining that husbands are to love their wives the way Christ loves, which means laying down his life for his wife. And why did Christ lay down his life? To bring us to heaven. So, the vocation of marriage is – at its root (radical) level – helping the spouse reach heaven. This in turn evangelizes those around us to help them reach heaven, too.

The original video is available on our Media Center website >>

This 4-part series on God’s design for family life and the Vocation of Marriage was originally recorded live at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Fayetteville, North Carolina, in 2013.

In Part 1, we look at what God’s radical love means. It’s the root of all successful Christian living. It’s the root of our joy. It’s the root of our connection to God and our connection to each other, including loved ones who have gone home to heaven. Do you need this in your family relationships today? Listen in!

You can download the handouts given to people who attended this retreat by going to our Media Center >>

In Part 2, we cover how the media other influences have been reshaping family life, stealing our children’s souls away from Christ. The good news is: God’s radical love can empower us to reshape the culture of our families. Listen in to find out how!

In Part 3, we think about how the hierarchical Church could better serve the domestic church. How could the Church nurture family life better? Or the vocation of marriage and the healing of relationships? From this, we will hear what the Holy Spirit is telling us about the ministries we are called to start or join. God wants to make changes in the Church through you and me! 

The artwork of the smiling Jesus, entitled “Come Unto Me” by Nancy Lee Moran, mentioned in this episode is available at or

In Part 4, we look at the temptation in Genesis 3. Did you ever wonder why the serpent tempted the woman first instead of the man? And why Jesus came to earth as a man instead of a woman? Listen to what this reveals about the differences between men and women and recovering our true identities in God’s radical love!

You might also be interested in the prayer to Consecrate Your Marriage to Mary, Ark of the Covenant.

Reflections for Couples ebook on Radical Love


Radical Love: Reflections for Couples
An ebook of 215 short inspirational messages that bring God’s radical love into the context of romantic relationships. See full description and order form →


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